Dr. Lorraine Camenzuli is a Clinical and Neuropsychologist in private practice in La Jolla, CA. Since 1977 her career has focused on the complex interaction of neurological and emotional substrates of dysfunction through evaluation and multi-layered treatment. In addition to private practice her work has spanned a variety of settings including acute care hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and forensics, serving as an expert witness in civil and criminal proceedings. Most recently she has turned her treatment focus to trauma-based disorders, recognizing and employing recent neuroscientific research into brain behavior. She also currently serves as a consultant on a critical response team addressing workplace trauma. Her research interests have included cognitive and emotional deficits in mild traumatic brain injury, the effects of depression on problem-solving and, most recently, on factors that improve therapist effectiveness. She has served on a number of non-profit boards addressing underserved populations through community education and political action.
Pact Press is proud to include “Trauma in the Age of Trump,” by Lorraine Camenzuli in our upcoming anthology, Fury: Women’s Lived Experiences in the Age of Trump